Seventh Resemblance Blues Band
Eugene, Oregon
1965 - 1967


Rob Anderson ~ Bass, Vocals
Gary Beck ~ Lead Guitar
Randy Crawford ~ Rhythm Guitar
Clark Lynch ~ Drums
Gordon Scott ~ Harp, Vocals

In Memory of 

Gary Beck
Gordon Scott

The Seventh Resemblance Blues Band was out of Eugene.  They were led by Gordon Scott, who died in about 1993.   They played mostly around Oregon, but at one point went to Reno and did a club gig for a few weeks.  One of their regular club gigs locally was "The Union Broiler" in an old union building, downtown Eugene.

In 1967, The Moguls and The Seventh Resemblance Blues Band joined to rehearse together and put together a 20-minute set for The Lane County Fair Battle of the Bands. (The Moguls had won it two year in a row prior to that). We called that band "Ultimate Hair". We won the battle easily.

Randy Bryson, February 2008

We played The Temple Broiler.  The building changed to a union hall at some point.

Rob Anderson currently resided in the United Kingdom.

Clark Lynch, February 2011

We lost Gary Beck a few weeks ago.  Gary was about the best guitar player I ever met and played with in my life.  Our bands included what was originally "Gordon Scott and The Seventh Resemblance Blues Band," later to become "The Seventh Resemblance" 1966-1967 & and after my military duty, "The Stumble" 1969.

Gary Beck should have been and still should be in the Oregon Music Hall of Fame.

Rest in Peace Gary (The Becker) Beck.

Clark Lynch, November 2011

If you have corrections, a neat photo or more information, please send it to:

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Last Update:   28 November 2011
Credits:  Randy Bryson, Clark Lynch
Band # 2719