Afterhours - Nanaimo, BC - Photo Courtesy of Alan Burns
Sunshine Coast, British Columbia
1995 -  Present


Al Burns ~ Drums, Percussion
Billie Corbett ~ Vocals
Brian Corbett ~ Guitar, Vocals, Composer
Ken Dalgleish ~ Keyboards
Brian Harbison ~ Percussion, Vocals
Patti Pollack ~ Percussion, Vocals, Agent
Boyd Norman ~ Bass

Afterhours preforms music from the '30's, '40's, '50's, '60'...  and on up into the present as a four piece vocal group in mall's, parties, promotional and fund raising gigs throughout the Sunshine Coast. When they play dances and bigger special events on the coast or in the Greater Vancouver area they pull together the whole group.

Alan Burns, July 2004

Some of the other Pacific Northwest music groups represented in this band include: The Chancellers, Messenger, Shawanagan, Berrycup Blooze Band, and many other NW bands.

If you have corrections, a neat photo or more information, please send it to:

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Last Update: 14 August 2004
Credits:  Alan Burns
Band # 1477