Albro Swift Band - Photo Courtesy of Keith Nordquist
Albro Swift Band
Seattle - Queen Ann District, Washington
1979 - 1984


Bob Buzzelle ~ Guitar, Bass, Vocals
Brian Fox ~ Keyboards, Vocals, Trombone
Scott Hanson ~ Guitar, Vocals
Mike Mallos ~ Keyboards, Trumpet
Ken McGill ~ Guitar
Craig Newman ~ Drums, Vocals
Keith "Kiki Baba" Nordquist ~ Saxophone, Bass, Vocals
Sally Schlosstein ~ Vocals
Marcus Whiting ~ Keyboards

Albro Swift Band - Photo Courtesy of Keith Nordquist

The Albro Swift Band gigged from Tacoma to Bellingham and around the greater Seattle area between 1979 and 1984. Their expanded set list created a dance atmosphere for young and old alike.

The members of Albro were:

The 1st Generation: Scott Hanson, Keith Nordquist, Craig Newman, Mike Mallos, Brain Fox, and Bob Buzzelle

The 2nd Generation: Scott Hanson, Keith Nordquist, Craig Newman, Ken McGill, Sally Schlosstein, and Marcus Whiting.

Keith Nordquist, 26 April 2003 (edited 19 January 2007)

Albro Swift Band - Photo Courtesy of Keith Nordquist
Albro Swift Band - Photo Courtesy of Keith Nordquist
Sally Schlosstein

Scott Hanson

Craig Newman

Ken McGill

Sally and Marcos
Keith Nordquist of Albro Swift - Photo Courtesy of Keith Nordquist
Keith Nordquist

If you have corrections, a neat photo or more information, please send it to:

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Last Update:  19 January 2007
Credits:  Keith Nordquist, Marcus Whiting

Band # 1201