Jumping Mouse
Bremerton, Washington
1972 - 1973


Paul Black ~ Drums
Scott MacDonald ~ Guitar
Steve Rench ~ Bass
Earl Weida ~ Vocals

Others ???

Steve Earl, Paul & Scott

There was a band called Jumping Mouse which toured southeast Alaska in '72 & '73 that was REALLY fun with Scott MacDonald on guitar, Paul Black on drums, myself on bass, and Earl Weida on vocals.  Scott was leaning toward country by then and when we got back from Alaska, we did a band called Carter MacDonald.

Steve Rench, August 2008

Steve & Earl

If you have corrections, a neat photo or more information, please send it to:  Webmaster@pnwbands.com

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Last Update:  25 July 2011
Credits:  Steve Rench
Band #  2373