Lightning Express
Victoria, British Columbia
1963 - 2004
And to Present


Bill Aubert ~ Bass, Vocals
Dan Beveridge ~ Keyboards, Vocals
Leslie Brown ~ Bass
Rick Brown ~ Keyboards
Bill Cinar ~ Drums
Harry Creech ~ Drums, Vocals
Gerry Cripps ~ Bass
Art Horsman ~ Drums, Vocals
Barry Jackson/Ensign ~ Bass, Vocals
Don Kennedy ~ Drums
Richard Lepinsky ~ Drums, Vocals
Ralph Nieforth ~ Bass, Vocals
Simon Jean Pierre ~ Drums, Vocals
Rod Moysey ~ Guitar
Gary Pignatalli ~ Bass
Mike Quinn ~ Bass, Vocals
Daniel Richard ~ Bass, Vocals
Dave Scott ~ Guitar
Len Siemens ~ Guitar, Vocals
Morry Stearns ~ Keyboards, Bass, Vocals
Art Tyler ~ Drums, Vocals
Chris Van de Water ~ Keyboards, Vocals
Mike Walker ~ Bass, Vocals

Lightning Express Today- Photo courtesy of Len Siemens
Len Siemens, Richard Lepinsky, Mike Quinn, Dan Beveridge

When I played with Lenny and Art in the early 60s at the 1206 Club it was Lightning Express in its Infancy.  There were a lot of the other people that played in the band over the years.

Barry Ensign, June 2007

If you have corrections, a neat photo or more information, please send it to:

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Last Update:  26 June 2010
Credits: RCMP, Barry Enisgn, Len Siemens
Band #  2247