London Taxi - Photo courtesy of Marjorie Corrin
London Taxi
Spokane/Seattle, Washington
1967 ~ 1969


Joe Brazil ~ Tenor Saxophone, Flute
Joe Cavender ~ Drums
Rich Corrin* ~ Flute, Oboe, Tenor Saxophone
Dave Johnson ~ Drums
Jim Knodle ~ Trumpet
Gary McLaughlin* ~ Guitar
Buford Moore ~ Bass
Joel D. Nye** ~ Elec. Piano, Fender Keyboard Bass
Dick Raymond ~ Baritone Saxophone

* Composed "Feelin' Down"
** Composed "Last Step"

In the above photo, clockwise from the front, are: Rich Corrin, Gary McLaughlin, Buford Moore, Dave Johnson, Jim Knodle, and Joe Brazil. This was the band after we relocated to Seattle.

Jim Knodle, June 2007

Image courtesy of Jim Knoodle and Joel Nye

If you have corrections, a neat photo or more information, please send it to:

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Last Update:  5 June 2010
Credits:  Darryl Riffero, Jim Knodle, Gary McLaughlin, Marjorie Corrin, Joe Cavender, Joel Nye
Band # 120