Guide to Pacific Northwest Bands that started in the 1960's
you hear the music, that is Richard Berry)
2 By 2 - 21s Street Gulch Band - 5 Man Cargo - 5 Shades of Blue
A Band of Angels - A Boy and His Dog - A Purple - A Six Pack - Accents (Bellingham) - Accents (Burien) - Accents (Vancouver, BC) - Acoustics - Action - Action Company - Aesop & The Fables - After Tomorrow - Al Neil Trio - Thee Aladdins - Albatross - Alexys - The Alligators - Alters - Amber Light (BC) - American Dream - American Eagle - American Standard - American Wall - Anchor - The Andantes (WA) - The Andantes (SK) - Ann Wilson and Daybreak - The Antics - The Anvil Chorus - Anzio Express - The Apaches - Apple Corps - The Army - The Arsons - Artesians - Aryans - As Sheriff - The Ascots - Thee Assassins - Atlantic Steamer (WA) - The Avant-Garde - The Avengers - Axis Drive - Axl - Azalea Way - The Aztecs (Wenatchee)
B.A. and the Traitors - B.L. and The Soul Tans - Baby Genetics - Backward Door - Bachelors - Back Alley - The Bag - Ballin' Jack - Ball Mane - Balloon Farm - Band-Aid Society - Bandits - Bang - The Banned - The Barber Green - Bards - The Barons (Bremerton) - Cindy & The Barons (Tacoma) - Barons (McMinnville) - Barry Ensign Combo - Leon & The Basics - The Bastille (BC) - Bazarak - Beachcombers - The Beanhaulers - The Beard - Bearded Clam - Beau Chevals - Beau Extroidinaire - Beau Gentry - Beau Jangs - Because - Bent Scepters - The Best of Everything - The Betas - Big City Blues - Big G & The Cheerios (OR) - Big G & The Cheerios (ID) - Bill Mercer & The Talk-A-Bouts - Bill Pair IV - Billy & The Kids - Birkshire Poppies - The Bishops - The Bishops Four - Bitter Sweets - Bitteroot - Black and White Affair - Black Beats - Black Cats - Black Ivory -Black Zephyr Orchestra - Black Snake - Blizzard - The Blokes - Blood Fever - Blood, Todd & Brain - Blue Chip Stock - Blue Gin - Blue Light - Blue Mountain Eagle - Bluebird - Blue Cheer - Bluefield Doughboys - Micky Davis & The Bluejeans - Blues Dimension (BC) - Blues Dimension ID - Blues Feedback - Blues Print - Blues X Five - Blurred Vision - Bob Leslie Trio - Bobby Taylor and The Vancouvers - Bodine - Bodrockers - Boks Ophis - The Bondsmen - The Bonnevilles - Bootmen - Borrowed Time - Boss Blues - Boss Tweed - Brass Diablos - Brave New World - The Breakaways - Breakers - Breakwater - The Brick Window - Brief Encounters - Briars - Bristol Friends - Brigade - Brodies - Broomtown Band - Brother Love - The Brotherhood Band - The Brougham Closet - Brown Sugar - Brutus & The Bullies - Buffalo Clancy - Buffalo Dust - Buffington Avenue - Bumps - The Bunch - Burgundy Express - Burson Enterprise - J. Michael and the Bushmen - Buster Brown R&B Band - Buster Keaton - Butterfat (OR) - Butterfat (WA) - The Buzz Boys -
Cain's Hundred - The Calgary Shades - Calliope - Canadian Strangers - Canadian VIP's - Candy & The Casuals - Cannibal Detail - Cannon Ball - Canterbury Tales - The Canterburys - Capers - Capitol Street Balloon - Capris - Cap n Crunch - Captain Flyswat and The Cats Pajama Band - Captain Zeb and the American Eagle Band - The Cascades - Castels (Seattle) - Castels (Tacoma) - Castlemen - The Casuals (Seattle) - Roger Jerome and the Casuals - Cavaliers - The Cavernmen - Celebrities - Centaurs - Centrix - CFUN Classics - CG & The Brothers - Chaen Reaction - Chain Reaction - OR - The Chambermen - Champagnes - Chancellers (BC) - Chancellors (ID) - Chancellors (WA) - Chandelles (WA) - The Chandels (AK) - The Changin' Times (Vancouver BC) - Change in Times (Shoreline) - Changing Times (Lakewood) - The Chaotics (Sumner) - Chaotics (Tacoma) - Charade - The Chargers - Charlie and Ron - Charly Browne's All Stars - The Charmels - The Chasers - The Checkers (Longview-Kelso) - Checkers (Oak Harbor) - The Checkers - Roseburg - The Checkmates (BC) - H.B. & The Checkmates - Big G & The Cheerios - George Washington & The Cherry Bombs - Cherry Fizz - Chess Enterprise - Chessmen (BC) - Chessmen (Hoquiam) - The Chessmen - Tri-CIties - Dick Cates & The Chessmen - Jack Bedient and the Chessmen - Cheetahs - Che-Vels - Chevelles - The Chevelles (Trail, BC) - Chicago Express - Child - Chip & Dave - Chymes of Freedom - Cirrilean Blue - City Blues - City Council - City Light - City Limits - City Zu - Classics - Mr. Clean & The Cleansers - Clever Baggage - The Clockwork - Clockwork Orange - The Clouds - The Club 65 Citations - Coachmen (BC) - Coachmen (Bellingham) - Coachmen (Burien) - Coachmen (No. Seattle) - The Coachmen (Spokane) - The Coastmen - Collage Review - Cold Power - Cold Wind - Collectors - Colours of Darkness - Columbians - The Coming Generation - Community Project - The Company Soul - Concepts - The Condors - The Confederates - The Constellations - Continentals (Bellevue) - Continentals (BC) - Continentals (Coleville) - Cooper Butterfly - Corky Ryan Trio - Corvelles - Corvettes - CottonMouth - Count Dracula & The Vampires - Countdowns - Sir Walter Raleigh and the Coupons - Jack Ely & The Courtmen - The Coyne - Crabtres - Crackers (BC) - Crestmen - Crimson Saints - The Critiques - Crome Syrcus - Crown Jewels - Crust - Cry for Justice - Crystal Forest (Seattle) - Crystal Forest (South Seattle) - Crystal Lion - Crystal Ship (OR) - Crystal Ship (BC) - Crystal Spectrum - Crystal Tricycle- The Crystals (Oregon) - The Cube - The Cut-Ups - The Cymbolics -
Daily Flash - Danny & The Seniors - Darc Horses - The Dark Ages - Dave-S Quintet - Dave and The Torments / Dave and The Dynamics Davie & His Dynamics - West Coast Boys (Spokane) - Daybreak - Ann Wilson and Daybreak - Days End - The Days of Grace - Daze of Nite - Daze of The Week - Deacons - Dead Beats - Deepwater - Deep Summer - Billy Larkin & The Delegates - Del Rays - The Deltas - The Demons - Desolutes - Devilles - Diamond Sutra - Dick Cates & The Chessmen - Dick Turpin and the Nightriders - Dimensions - The Dirge - Dirty Dan and The Pirates - Disciples - disraeli - The Distortions - Dog Years - The Dominions - Don and Company - Don & The Goodtimes - Double Image - Doug Robertson & The Goodguys - Douglas Fir - The Downbeats - Vancouver - Downbeats - Bellevue - The Drastics - D.T. and The Vandals - Duprees - Dushans - Dynamic Duo - Dynamo - The Dynatones -
Earth - Easy Chair (67 - 68) - Easy Chair (67 - 72) - Eccentrics - The Echoes - Edell & The Thunderbirds - Eighth Day - Electras - The Electric Train (67-68) - Electric Train (WA) - Elegants of Tacoma - El Caminos - The Eldorados - Elijah- Elmac Spider - The Embalmers - The Embers - Emergency Exit - Emile and the Prophets - Empels - Enchanters - English Music Company - Entertainers - The Envoys - Episodes - The Epics (BC) - The Epics (Auburn, WA) - The Epics (Tacoma, WA) - The Epix - The Eruptions - Escorts - Esquires- The Essex - Essex 6 - Eternal Sounds - Eternal Triangle - The Ethics (60-62) - The Ethics (60-66) - The Ever Present Now - Everyday People - Excellent Berries - Existence - Tom Jones and The Exciters - Exl's - The Extremes -
F.O.G. - Factory - Fair Exchange - Faith - The Family Dogs - Fantastic Orange - The Fantastiks - Fantastiques-Fantasy - Fanatics (WA) - WJ & The Fantastics - Ferraris - Fast Company - Fat Jack - Fathoms - Terry Lee and the Fathoms - Fatt Twice Together - Feelies- Fergeson Tractor - Fiddler - Fifth Wall - Fifth Wheel - 5 Man Cargo - 5 Shades of BlueThe Floaters - The Five Pages - Flesh - Floating Bridge - The Fluorescents - The Fogcutters - The Following Year - The Fortunes - 4 Below Zero - The Four Fifths - The Four Teens - The FourMost Five - The Fourth Day - Fox - The Fox (Vancouver, BC) - Fragile Lime - Frantics (MT) - Free Gas - The Frets - Friesha - Friends (Seattle) - Friends (West Seattle) - The Front Page (Federal Way) - Frisco Bay Blues Band - Fugitives (OR) - Fugitives (BC) - Furys (Entiat, WA) - Furys (Longview,WA) - The Furys (BC)
G Morgan S and The Jets - Gabriel - Galahads - Galaxies - Mr. Lucky & The Gamblers - Games - Garden of Delights - Gary Tonkin & the Bitter Creek Band - The Gas Company - The Gatormen - The Gaylords - Gazebo - The Gems - General Store - Gen. Wolfe & The Redcoats - The Genetics - Gentleman Jim and the Horsemen - Gentlemen Wild (OR) - Gentlemen Wilde - The Gents - George Arliss - George Washington & The Cherry Bombs - Giant Peach - Gingerbread - Glass - The Glitters - Godfrey Blaque - Goldmen - Good Company - The Good Shepherds - Don & The Goodtimes - Good Guys (Ferndale)-Doug Robertson & The Goodguys - Grand Slam - Grant's Blueboys - Great Ape - Green Day Goods - The Green Rain - The Greenwood Singers - Gringos - Grizzly - The Gross National Product - Grotesque Mommies - The Group - The Gryffyn Band - The Gynch -
Hammond Typewriter - The Hangmen (64) - The Hangmen (67) - Happie - Harbour - Hardtimes - Hay Market Square Riot - Head Shop - Paul Bearer & The Hearsemen - Heart - The Heartbeats - The Heartsbeat Competition (WA) - The Heavy Company - Heirs - Henchmen (Heppner) - Henchmen (Lakewood) - Henchmen (Spokane) - The Henchmen (Tacoma) - Henchmen (Willapa Valley) - Hi-Tones - Hidden Fifth - High Flying Bird - Him and a Few Others - Hitchhikers - His Majesties Shorts - Holden Caulfield - Holy Modal Rounders - Hometown Blues Band - Gentleman Jim and the Horsemen - Hot Rush - Hounds of Baskerville - House of Commons - Hudson Brothers - HUGG - Huntingtons - Hustlers - Hydraulic Peach
Ice - The Icons - The Illusions (64-65) - The Illusions (65-66) - Impacts (Longview, WA) - Impacts (Olympia, WA) - Impacts (Seattle, WA) - The Impalas - The Imperials (Mountlake Terrace) - Imperials (Seattle) - Imperials (Tacoma) - Imperials (Vancouver, BC) - Impressions - The Imprints - Impulses - The In Crowd - In Crowd (BC) - Incentives - Indian Puddin & Pipe - Ingredients Unknown - Bobby & The Inkeepers - The Inmates - The Inner Lite - The Innovations - The Intellectuals - Interludes - International Brick - Intrepids - Intruders (Tacoma) - The Intruders (OR) - Intruders (Yakima) - Interstate Five (OR) - Interstate Five (Seattle) - Invaders (BC) - Invaders - Castle Rock - Invaders (Ellensburg) - Invaders (Portland) - Invictos - Iridescents - The Isle of Phyve - Its a Beautiful Day -
Jack Ely & The Courtmen - Jackasses - Jacobs Ladder - Jade Tide - Jademen - The Jades - The Jaguars - James McKinley and US - Jamie Roberts & The Rest - The Jams - Jarat - Jefferson Davis V - Jerry and the Jerrimen - Jerry Sun - Jessie - Jesters - Jestors - Terry and the Jestrites - Jet City Five - Jim Sawicki Quartet - Jimmy Winkler and Translove Airlines - Johnie Fair & The Soul Searchers - Johnny Grant - Jolly Green Giants - Joy & The Boys - Juggernaut - The Just % - Juveniles
K-Otics - K-Tels - Kansas Standard - Kentish Steele & the Shantelles - Kentucky Blew Grass - Kidd Afrika - King Biscuit Entertainers - King Kybo - Kings Men (Tacoma) - Kings of Soul - Kirk-Weston - Kiss Porky - The Kix - Klanzmen - Knight Beats - Koachmen - The Kolonials (WA) - Kozmik Kids - Kryptic Light - Kount IV - Kuntry Kuzzins - The Kurks
The Lancers - The Lakers - Lanny Hunt & The Themes - Larry Coryell Trio - LAWE - Lawrence & The Arabs - Le Sabres - Leader Sound / Crystal Ship - The Ledgers - The Leftovers - Legendary Sunshine - Legends - Lemon (BC) - Lemon Lime Band - Lenore - Liberty - Liberty Party - Licorice - Light - Lightfoot - Lightning Express - Lightnin' Slim & The Rangers - The Limitations (OR) - Lincolns - Lip Dust - Little Bit of Everything - Little Curtis & The Blues - Little Daddy and The Bachelors - Little John & The Monks - Little Oly & The Fifths - Little Stones - Live Five - Little John & The Merrymen - Little Judas and The Sinners - Little Lee and the Live Guys - The Little Red Roosters - Liverpool Five - Livin' Daylights - Living End - LocoMax - Locomotive - The Lollipop Shoppe - London Company - London Fog - London Taxi - Long Time Comin' - The Look - Loose Chippins - Lord Invader and the Penetrators - Lord Chamberlain's Court - The Lords - The Lost Generation (WA) - The Lost Generation (BC) - The Lost Horizons - The Lost Children - Lost Souls (BC) - Lost Souls (Yakima) - Lou Sheeley Orchestra - The Lounj Men - The Lovin' Sound - The Lower Depth - LSD & The Adicts - Luckiamute - Mr. Lucky & The Gamblers - Marsha Rush and Lyfe - Lynchmen - Lyte - Lyte Fantastic
Macabre Men - Mad Men of Note - Magic Fern - Magic Theatre - Magical Freeway - Majestics (Portland) - Majestics (Yakima) - Malta - Mama's Boys - Mandarin Extract - Marauders WA - Marauders ID - Marblehead - Mark IV - Mark V (OR) - Mark 5 (WA) - Mark V (WA) - William Tell & The Marksmen - Marquis (BC) - The Marquis (Castle Rock) - The Marquis (Everett) - Marsha Rush and Lyfe - Marshall Price - Marshans - Marsha Maye & The Ravins - Mass Media - The Matryx - Me & The Rest of 'Em - Medallion - Meddy's People - Medicine Ball - Menagerie (Mt Vernon) - Menagerie (Tacoma) - Mercy Boys - Mercymen - Mergers - Merrilee and Her Men - Merrilee Rush - The Merrymen - Mersey Six - Midnight Hour - Midnight Sons - Mike Beddoes Blues Band - Mike Kennedy Blues Band - Mirkwood Slowcoach - Minute Men - The Mischiefs - Misfits - Missing Lynx - The Misterians - Mixed Blood - Mixed Emotions - The Mob - Mock Duck - The Moderates - The Mods - Moguls - MOJO CO - Mojo Hand - Mojo Monte & His Magistrates - Mojo's Mark IV - Lasse & The Mongrels - Montells - The Morning After (Mercer Island) - The Morning After (Richland) - Morning Reign - Morning Star - Mortar Bluepill - Moses Lake - Moses Turner Trio - MosHops- Mossy Rock - Mother Giant - Mother Tucker's Yellow Duck - Motherhood - Motifs (BC) - Mountainheath - Tom Swift and The Movers - Moving Von Haley - MOXIE - Mr. Lucky & The Gamblers - Mudville Flats - Muf - The Municipal Sound Company - My Sirs - The MYND - Mystic Blue - Mystics (Auburn) - Mystics (Boise) - The Mystics (Chilliwack) - Mystics (Portland) - The Mystics (Spokane 60-61) - Mystics (Spokane 64-66)) - The Mystics (Victoria. BC) -
Natural Gas Company - Natural Groove - Nazz Are Blues Band - Neighb'rhood Child'rn - The Neon Lighted People - Neurotics - New Breed - New Dawn - New Frantics - New Tweedy Brothers - New Society - New Yorkers - The Newports - Night Air -The Nightraiders - Dick Turpin and the Nightriders - Night Train Revue - Nighthawks - Nightwalkers - Night Watch - Nightwatch Revue - Nirvana - Nisqually - Nite Sounds - Nitemates - No Toy Boys - NightShades - The Noblemen (MT) - Noblemen (WA) - Noises & Sounds - Nomads (Bellevue) - Nomads (Burien) - Norsemen - Northern Lights - The Northwest Company (65-67) - Northwest Company - Northwest Harness Company - Northwest Rock & Roll Band - Notary Sojac - Notations - The Notions - Note-Ables - Novas - No. 9 - Nurv - Nutcracker Brigade -
Oasys - Odds n Ends (BC) - Odds & Ends (WA) - Odus & The Savages - Off Set - Old Friends - James Henry & The Olympics - The 1-2-3-Four - One Ton - One Way Street - Onyx - Opal Lion - The Organization - Orville Dorp - Oscar Thickfoot - The Others - The Outcasts - The Outcomes - Outer Edge - The Outlaws -
The Pacers (Nanaimo) - Pacers (Prince George) - PaceSetters - Pacific Ice House Band - Pacific Scandal - Pageboys- Painted Ship - Palace Meat Market - Paleface - Panama Orange Tree - Panic - The Pannix - The Pantelas - Papa Bear's Medicine Show - The Paper Suns - Para Mutuals (BC) - Passion Flower Hotel - Pastels - Pastime - Patch (BC) - Patriots - Patterns & Colors - Paul Bearer & The Hearsemen - Paula and The Pipsqueaks - Peace Jeep - Pearl Street - Peece - Peers - Pembrook, Ltd. - Pendulum - Lord Invader and the Penetrators - Penny Whistle - Pepper Black - Peppermint Cyrcle - Peppermint Trolly - Perpetual Sounds- Peter Brown Band - PH Phactor Jug Band - Phantoms - The Pharos - The Phase Six - Phat - Phi-Dels - Phigwart - Phoenix (OR) - Piltdown Men - The Pied Pipers - The Pierce Street Annex - Dirty Dan and The Pirates - Plastic Rat Blues Band - Playmates (BC) - Pleasure Seekers - Jack Horner & The Plums - Plymouth Rockers, Ltd - Poor Man's Guardian - The Popcorn - Poppy Family - Porcelain Tabernacle - The Porky Pig Show - Portland Zoo Electric Band - The Posse - Poverty Five/Poverty's People - Premiers - Pride & Possession - Primordial Essance - Prince Paul & The Serfs - The Prism - Product Fyve - Proof - AK - The Proffets - The Progressions - Prophet - Prophets - The Prophets - Anchorage - Thee Prophets - Psych River Soul Mill - Pulsations - Punch - Pure Sunshine -
Quagmire and the Marsh Gas - Quebec - Queen Anne's Wing - The Questions - The Quints - The Quirks - The Quotations -
R.G. & The Poppin' Jays - The Raible Brothers - The Raiders - Rain - Raisin' Cain - Sir Walter Raleigh & The Coupons - Ralph - The Ramblin' Three - Randelas - Rangers - '63 - The Rank Organization - Rapid Transit - Rapid Transit System (R.T.S.) - Rare Blend - Marsha Maye & The Ravins - The Ravons - Raymarks - The Rebels - Red Ball Trucking Company - Red Coats (WA) - Red Thelin's Country Starlighters - Redcoats (OR) - Gen. Wolfe & The Redcoats - The Redcoats (Walla Walla) - Regents (Tacoma) - Regents (Tacoma - V2) - Regents (Victoria) - Reign - Renaissance Fair - Renegades - The Renegades (OR) - Renewal - Restricted Thought - Revelation - The Reveleers - The Revels - Revnuers - Revolution Kind - Ricks Brothers Band - The Right Angle - Riot Squad - Rising Sons - Rising Tide - River - River Bond - The Rochambeaus - Rock Collection (Seattle) - Rock Collection (Tacoma) - Rock Kandy - The Rock Pile - Rock-n-Souls - Rocking Kings - The Rockin Stompers - Rocky & His Friends - Rocky & The Riddlers - Roger Jerome and the Casuals - Rogues (Bremerton) - The Rogues (Campbell River, BC) - The Rogues (Vancouver, BC) - The Rogues (Bellevue) - Rogues (OR) - The Rogues (Shoreline) - Rogues (So.Seattle) - Rooks - Rotations - Royal Bananas - The Royal Fives - Royal Notes - Royal Roques - The Royal T's - The Royal Tones - Rubber Band (Boise) - RubberBand (Ellensburg) - The Rum Runners - Runabouts (BC) - Rushour - Rustics (Lakewood) - Rustics (Spokane)-
Sage - Sahara's (AK) - Saharas (Richland) - Saharas (Tacoma) - Saint James Infirmary - Salvation Navy - Sand - Sandalspring - Sandy & The Vikings - The Sarge West Trio - Sassafrass - Scandals - Scavengers - The Scepters - The Scorpions - Scot Free - Scotchmen - Scotsmen - Scrapbook - The Searchers - Searchin' Soul Blues Band - Second Coming - Secret Agent & The Vice Squad - See Thru Tree - Seeds of Time - Self Portrait - The Sensations - The Sentinels - 7th & Pacific - Seventh Resemblance Blues Band - Seventh Society - Seymour - The Shades (Dawson Creek) - The Shades (Whitehorse, YT) - Shades of Jade - Shades of Mann - The Shadows - Fabulous Shadows - Shadracks - The Shags - Shalimars (Olympia) - Shandells - Shantelles - The Shape o' Things - The Shards - The Shattered Remains - The Shaynes - Shifters (BC) - Shifters (WA) - Shiloh - Shockers - The Showmen - Shy Guys - Side Kicks - Sideshow (Seattle) - Sidhartha (BC) - Sidhartha (WA) - Silhouettes - Silver Chalice Revue - Sinbad & The Journeymen - Little Judas and The Sinners - Sir Jonathon & The Nightriders - Sir Phillip and the Merry Men - Sir Raliegh and the Artesians - Sir Raleigh and the Coupons - Sir Winston Trio - The Sires - The Sirs- Six Short Knights - The 6th Dimension - The Skeptics - The Skiffle Group - SKY Brothers - Skye - SLATZ - Sledgehammer - The Slugs -Smack - Smackwater Jack - Small Crowd - Smiling Castle - Smoke and Steel - Snark - Snickers - Soft Water - Solid Fuels - Solid Gold - Solitudes - The Solution - Soma - Sonics (Tacoma, WA) - Sonics with Jim Brady - Sonics (Raymond, WA) - Sonics (Seattle, WA) - Sorcery - Soul Bros - Soul Deacons - Soul Dimension - Soul Inc. - Soul Masters - Soul Reflections - Jerry Bailey and Soul Revolution - Soul Set -Soul Society - B.L. and The Soul Tans - Soul Unlimited - Johnie Fair & The Soul Searchers - Sound City - Sound Farm Ltd. - Sound Set - Sound Syndrom - Sound Tunnel - Sound Vendor - Sounds of Silence - Sounds Unreal- The Sounds Within - Southbound - Southmen- Special Delivery - Spectrum - Spectres - Spindle - Spirits of Blue Lightening - Spring - Springfield Rifle - Squatters Rights - The Squire (Tacoma) - The Squires (Burnaby, BC) - The Squires (Colville) - The Squires (Tacoma) - The Squires (Olympia) - Squires (Portland) - Stags (BC) - The Stags (OR) - Starlighters with Kippy Lou Brinkman - State Street Blues Band - Statesmen (ID) - Statesmen (WA) - State Fair - The Statix - Steakface - Steel Tears - The Stilettos (WA) - Stimson Hall - Stingrays (Portland, OR) - StingraysCorvalis (OR) - Stingrays (WA) - The Stoics - Stolden Lords - The Stoways - Strange Movies - Bobby Faulds & The Strangers - The Strangers (Lakewood) - Stolen Lords - Stone Fox - Stone Garden - Stone Parade - Stormcrow - The Strawberry Report - The Stumble - Suede - Summer Blues Band - Summer Snow - Sundae Funnies - Sunday Morning Daze - The Sundowners - The Sunn - Sunn & The Shadows - Sunrise Mustang - The Suns - Sunshine - Pure Sunshine - Superband -Surprise Package - The Survivors (BC) - The Survivors (OR) - The Sussex - Sweet Beaver - Sweet Rolle - Sweetgrass - Swinging Gates - The Sycotics - The Syndicate -
T-N-T, Take Five - Take Fives - Talismen (Tacoma) - Talismen (Wenatchee) - Bill Mercer & The Talk-A-Bouts - The Tamarlanes - Tank & The Septics -TAO Chemical Co. -Taxmen - Taylor - Teabag - The Techniques (Tacoma) - Techniques (Yakima) - Teddy & The Roughriders - Teen Beats - Tempests (ID) - Tempests (OR) - Tempters - Tender Green - Tennessee Field - The Tensions - Terry and the Jestrits - Thee Aladdins - Thee Better Things - Thee Young Generation - Lanny Hunt & The Themes - These People - These Times - Third Degree - III Generation - The Third Stone - The Third Time Around (BC) - Thirteenth Story - The Thornes - Those Sleepless Knights - Edell & The Thunderbirds - Thunderbolts - Thundering Heard - Thundermen - Thyrd Dimension - Tidals - Tikis & The Fabulons - Timber - Time Exit - Time Machine - Tina & Delores - The Titans (Pullman) - The TNTs - Today - Today's Reaction - Toffs - Toggeries - Tom Jones and The Exciters - Tom Northcott Trio - Tom Swift and The Movers - Tom Thumb & The Casuals - Tommie & The Turn-Ons - Tomorrow's Eyes - Tony & The Tonebenders - Tony Vance and the Progress Hornsby 4 - Tony Vance & The RB Project - Tony Vance & The Two Pound Matchbox - Torchmen - Tornadoes - Dave and The Torments - Torquays (ID) - The Torries - Total Eclipse - Touch - Towne Cryers - Tragic Era - Train - B.A. and the Traitors - Trane - Jimmy Winkler and Translove Airlines - Trebletones - The Trees - The Tremolones - The Trends - Trenmen - Trials of Jayson Hoover - Trick - Trike - Trilogy - Tritons - Triumphs (Bellingham) - The Trojans (BC) - Trojans (WA) - Trolly - Truth - TT Max - Tumbleweed - Merrilee & The Turnabouts - TuTu Band - 21st Gulch Band - The Twilighters - The Twisters (BC) - Twitch - 2 By 2 - The Tycons - The Tyhmes - Tyme - Tyme Conspiracy - Typical Small Town Band - The Tyrants -
U.S. Cadenza - Us Kids - U.S. Mail - U.S. Males - Ultimates (OR) - The Ultimates (WA) - Uncle Remus - The Undertakers - The Underwear - The Unexpected - The Unforscene - The Union Gap - Union House - United Attractions - United Empire Loyalists - United Flight - United Travel Service - Unknown Factor - The Untouchables (OR) - Untouchables (WA) - Unusuals -
The V.I. Crumpets - Vacant Lot - Valentines - The Valiants (Seattle) - The Valiants (No Seattle) - The Valients - Valley Forge - Vampires - Count Dracula & The Vampires - The Van G's - Vancouver Playboys - Bobby Taylor and The Vancouvers - The Vancouver Shades - The Vandals - D.T. and The Vandals - Vanguards - Velvet Illusions - Johnny & The Velvetones - Vendu - Versatiles (OR) - Versatiles (Vancouver) - The Versatiles (WA) - The Vibrants - Vibrations - Victorian Sect - Vigilantes - The Vikings - Sandy & The Vikings - Village Green - Village Music Wagon - Villians - VIPs - Virgin Souls - Vision of Creation - Volume IV - The Von Essex - The Voyagers - The Vulcans
Wander'ers (Hoquiam) - Wanderers - The Wandering Kind - The Wanted - Warlocks (WA) - Warloks (OR) - Washington Merry Go Round - Waterwheel - The WAYDS - WDBS - The Weeds - The Wellington Five - Wells Fargo - West Coast Boys - West Coast Movement - West Coast Natural Gas - Western Union (BC) - Western Union (WA) - What's New - Wheatstraw - Wheel of Fortune- White Heart - Wicked Orange - Wilde Knights - The Wild Elements - The Wild Side - Wild Vibrations - Wild Wild Rogues - Wildwood Flower - William Tell & The Marksmen - Willow - Wilson Fairchild - Wilson McKinley - Wimpenny (BC) - Winter's Green - WJ & The Fantastics - Wolf Tucker (Pullman) - Wombat - Woody Carr - World - Worldly Goods
X-25 -Yamada - Yellow Balloon - The Yeoman (BC) - The Yeomen (BC) - The Yorks - Young Canadians - The Young Gentry - The Young Society - The Younger Generation - Your Immortal Friends - The Yrge -
Z Stamp Rock Band - The Zephyrs - Zero End - Ziggy Coefield - Zorba & The Greeks -