The Bummer - Courtesy of Tommy Johnson
Image courtesy of Rojer Blaine

Image Courtesy of
Image Courtesy of and by Permission:  Expressobeans
Image Courtesy of and by Permission:
The original of this poster sold at eBay for $2,000 in January 2006

Image Courtesy of
Poster provided courtesy of Steve Bradley
24 April 1971 - Image Courtesy of Steve Bradley

Image Courtesy of Rojer Blaine
Masonic Temple - Portland Music Box and Portland Zoo
Image Courtesy of Rojer Blaine

18 July 1967 - Image Courtesy of Steve Bradley
Image Courtesy of Rojer Blaine
Diamond Productions - "Oregon's First Rock Fest
Image Courtesy of Rojer Blaine

Ladysmith Agricultural Hall - British Columbia
Image courtest of Ron Attfield

Image Courtesy of Don McFadden
Image Courtesy of Don McFadden

Billy Shears
Billy Shears - Courtesy of Keith Skelton


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