Photos of
The Regents
at a
Northwest Music Reunion Bash
1 September 2002

Guest Musicians at the 2002 NW Bands Reunion Gig

Stan Foreman ~ Keyboards
Butch Hannukaine ~ Keyboards
Shannon Pettit ~  The Tambourine Queen
Walt Rattenbury ~ Saxophone
Eddie Ray ~ Trumpet
Dave Reed ~ Vocals, Saxophone
Al Richards ~ Congas
Rudy Volkmann ~ Trumpet, Keyboards

In Memory of

Al Richards
d:  7 April 2010

The Regents Live - 1 September 2002 -  "All Aboard for The Night Train"
Sam Carlson, Richard "AFKAD" Rossiter, Rich Liebe, Bill Dean, Billy McPherson, Sonny Schaaf
with the "Big Band"
Eddie Ray, Stan Foreman, Butch Hannukaine, Walt Rattenbury, Dave Reed, Al Richards , and Rudy Volkmann

The Regents and Sandy Faye, 2002
Richard, Sammy, Sandy, Rich & Billy

Photo By TeParty
Sammy, Richard (AFKAD), Bill, Rich and Billy

Photo By TeParty
Rich, Bill, Billy & Sonny

Photo By TeParty
Sammy (Walking The Dog), Richard (AFKAD), Bill & Rich

Photo By TeParty
Sam, Richard (AFKAD), Bill & Rich

Photo By TeParty
The Regents Live - 1 September 2002
Sam Carlson, Richard "AFKAD" Rossiter, Rich Liebe, Bill Dean, Billy McPherson, Sonny Schaaf



Al Richards ~ On Congas.  Al sat in with us at the 1 September 2002 gig
That's the "infamous" Donn Mee in the background

Shannon Pettit ~  The Tambourine Queen
Shannon was up on stage with us at the 1 September 2002 gig beating her tambourine.  She also did a good imitation of a go-go girl from time to time.  Shannon is pointing to the sign designating the Porta-Potty as her own private "Shannikan"
Playing music with you guys was my highlight.  I felt guilty, though.  Looking off-stage, to my left, I saw three excellent keyboardists in Rudy Volkmann, Butch Hannukaine and Stan Foreman--kind of lined up--just chomping at the bit wanting to play with The Regents.  So, I invited them up.  It wasn't like you guys needed any keyboard help.

Who was that masked man on the Casio to my immediate right?  Was that the legendary Billy McPherson? WOW!  I was watching his hands and thinking, "I don't understand any of this.  I can't even tell by watching what key he's in; so why does it sound so DAMN COOL?" Yeah, I'm impressed.
Sonny Schaaf, September 2002

Sonny Schaaf - 1 September 2002
Photo Courtesy of Bill Dean

Thought to myself these guys have got balls to get up in front of all those people with little to no rehearsa!!   When Dave didn't show up there I was too.  I have to tell you I was a little tenative about getting up on stage... it's been a while, but once we started playing it was nothing but a blast.  I want to thank the Regents for that opportunity.  What a trip seeing Rich, Sam, Dick and Billy after so many years!!

Bill Dean, September 2002

Bill Dean - 1 September 2002
Photo Courtesy of Bill Dean

Rich, Richard, Dave & Sam
 Richard, Sam, Sandy, Rich & Billy

Sam & TeParty 

TeParty with Richard (AFKAD)

All of the dated clips from a video are courtesy of Bill Dean

Dave Reed and Walt Rattenbury
Well, I'm here to tell you that I think you guys sounded terrific.  You not only sounded great, you all looked good on stage because you were having a good time together, needling each other, smiling, laughing and making great comments like: "We haven't played together since '65 so if we don't sound good, we'll change our name to "We Suck!".  You have my vote.  You guys were number one that day.  Walt Rattenbury, The Titans, October 2002

Richard "AFKAD" Rossiter

Rich, Richard and Sammy

The "Big Band" Playing Night Train

Rich Liebe

Butch Hannukaine

Billy McPherson

Eddie Ray

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