Hansen ~ Guitar, Vocals
Lynch ~ Guitar
Poston ~ Vocals
West ~ Bass, Vocals
Williams ~ Drums
Brodsack ~ Lights
Coupez ~ Sound
Angus McGill ~ Lights
"Silverlode" was a band from the 1970's. We played all over the Northwest and Western Canada. Silverlode was together from about 1975 to 1978.Based out of Tacoma, we got the big burn out, having to much fun. When we went our own ways, Steve went to L.A. and hit the big time with the band "Autograph". Every one else drifted in all directions. We were a regular at Baldys Tavern in Milton where you could could fine us on Wednesday nights for the wet T-shirt contest. At one point David Poston became the host for that fun filled night. After about six months, he turned it over to me to host, and I did it for about a year. Oh well, good things never last. If anyone has any info on any members of the band let me know.
Gary Williams, 12 May 2003
I was the light man for Silverlode and Victor Coupez was the sound man. Victor and I were both with the band from just about the beginning and we were there for the sad liquidation of assets when the "show" finally ended 1978.A "bright" young man named Angus ran the spotlight in concert with the lights
for the last year or so.. and he was excellent!Silverlode was more than just a bunch of musicians on a stage pushing 10 on their Marshals.... Silverlode was a show... a synthesis of all the talents that contributed to it. It was an aural and visual dynamic. At its best, Silverlode exploded into energy and light and took no prisoners! At its worst, the club was empty and we all drank a little too much beer.
Perhaps to Gary, Paul, Brian, David, Steve, Vic, and Angus it all now seems so very long ago. But to me... it was only yesterday. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity in my life to have worked with musicians and human beings of such caliber
Acknowledged as well are the technicians that believed so thoroughly in the spirit of Silverlode.
Silverlode was not a job. It was a journey. However fleeting in retrospect it all may seem, it was a moment in time that changed us all...
Anyone got a wrack of fraps? (Steve's lingo for a "pack of cigarettes")
Dick Brodsack, October 2004