Donahue ~ Keyboards
Heatherington ~ Bass
Zeit ~ Drums
The Stoics were a band made up of Willamette University students. Doug Heatherington got his start with The Stoics at Willamette University with Randy Donohue on Keyboards, David Zeit on drums and a guy from Yreka CA. whose name escapes me right now.The Stoics played mostly at college dances. We had offers to play we had to turn down due to school. The Stoics had a small following and at one time were the most popular band on the Willamette U. Campus. Besides the University, we played one or two local dances. We almost played as an opening act at the armory but class finals messed that up. We had to turn down the chance. The Morning Reign also began as a W.U. band after the Stoics disbanded..
David Zeit, August 2007