Barry (Bud) Clemons & Doug Yackel
Spokane, Washington
1973 - 1974


Barry Clemons "Bud" ~ Guitar, Vocals
Ted Harris ~ Drums
Greg Hooper ~ Keyboards, Vocals
Conrad Saldana ~ Bass, Flute, Vocals
Doug Yackel ~ Lead Guitar, Vocals

STUBBY was a progressive cover band based in Spokane around 1973 and ‘74.  We lasted about 18 months, then broke up.
This band covered songs by Todd Rundgren, the Beatles, Allman Brothers, Chicago, the Rolling Stones and others.  We accented on four-part harmonies and worked out considerably difficult multi-layered guitar-bass lines.  Keyboards were a highlight with Greg Hooper’s Hammond B-3, Clavicord and Fender Rhodes piano.

Our great friends were mentors Curtis Graham (Madrigal),  Ron Sinnott (Blisstrz), Kevin Dodson (Madrigal, Smash Hit Carnival), Pieter Van Vliet ( from Calgary, Canada).

We gigged around Spokane, Couer d’Alene, Idaho and the Northwest.  We opened the Lands End Tavern in Spokane.
Bullwinkles in Lewiston, Idaho.

Barry "Bud" Clemons, March 2015

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Last Update:  17 March 2015
Credits: Barry "Bud" Clemons
Band # 3165