Image courtesy of Alan de Salvatore
Alan, Marie, Steve
Bob, Joel

Barbarian Girl
AKA: Marie Celeste Band
Seattle, Washington
1984 - 1986


Marie Campanoli (Marie Celeste) ~ Vocals
Alan de Salvatore ~ Guitar, Vocals
Joel Lee ~ Percussion, Vocals
Bob Lovy ~ Keyboards, Vocals
Brad Spur ~ Bass, Vocals
Steve ? ~ Bass


Ken W. ~ Sound

I was in this band playing six nights a week from July 1984 - May 1986.  We played the Seattle area, Juneau Alaska, and an Airforce base tour of Hawaii, Japan, Okinawa, and Guam.  Far West asked us to tone it down, and change our name to Marie Celeste Band

Alan de Salvatore, April 2010

Brad, Alan, Marie, Joel, Bob

Some of the other Pacific Northwest music groups represented in members of this group include: Sluggo, The Nobs, Glory, 4 More Band, and many other NW bands.

If you have corrections, a neat photo or more information, please send it to:

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Last Update:  8 July 2010
Credits:  Alan de Salvatore
Band # 2687