Salem, Oregon
1969 - 1973


John Baxter ~ Hammond B3, Vocals
Collin Stringer ~ Drums, Vocals

Loren Ziebell ~ Manager, Guru


Scott Ingle
Rick Ziebell

After playing with THE LOWER DEPTH for years, John Baxter and Collin Stringer, along with their manager Loren Ziebell (one of the best NW managers for creating new sounds and working with promoters) went into seclusion to create a new sound. The result was LAWE with John Baxter on Hammond B3 and vocals and Collin Stringer on drums and vocals. John played all the bass notes with his foot pedals and Collin's amazing expertise on the double bass drums was documented on videotape. Collin was able to play faster with his feet than most professional drummers could with their sticks.

Their first big performance was in Longview, WA. at George's Broiler, where they were the opening act for ADAM WIND from Seattle, W A.  Following this performance to a capacity crowd LAWE became a household name with critics and the media comparing John Baxter to Lee Michaels and Collin Stringer to Carmine Appice.  As a result they became the main act with many NW bands opening for them.  This led to them traveling the West Coast as the opening group for many national acts, such as, ERIC BURTON & WAR, THE RASCALS, THE YOUNGBLOODS, BUDDY MILES, CANNED HEAT, THE JAMES GANG & many more.

Loren Ziebell and Daniel Dunbar worked on bringing LAWE, a Salem, OR. based band, into the Longview/Kelso W A area on a regular basis. There they played fairgrounds, high school dances, colleges, teen centers, etc.. LAWE also did several shows for EID and other top promoters in the Northwest.

After LAWE disbanded John Baxter formed THE LAWE REVIEW.  The band consisted of former members of COCO (Mike Poe) and CRYSTAL LION (Pat Mayo, Bill Lussendon). Bill later went on to play and record with BLUES PROJECT.

John Baxter and Collin Stringer never forgot their roots and continued for many years to return to Longview to play.


John Baxter, a successful business man, (owner of Baxter's Mortgage Corp) continues to play his music.

Collin Springer continues with his music, while being a successful business man.

Loren Ziebell is a successful business man.

Daniel Dunbar owns his own successful business (Dunbar & Associates) while continuing with his music.

Rock Group

"Lawe" combines the organ of John Baxter, left, with the drums of Collin Springer, and lays it down at the Fairgrounds tonight.

Rock group lays down the "Lawe"

Two LLC students have gone out on a limb to bring Lawe, a rock duo from Salem for a dance.

Lawe is John Baxter on organ, and Collin Stringer on drums.  They will be at the Cowlitz County Fairgrounds tonight from 8 pm to 1 am.  The local promoters are Ken Donner, manager of the Crystal Zilenium record store, and Dan Dunbar.  They think $1.75 per person is not too much for five hours of dancing.

Lawe has appeared with Eric Burton and War, The Rascals, Youngbloods, Buddy Miles, Canned Heat, and the James Gang.  If the evening is profitable, Donner and Dunbar promise more of the same this summer.



Lawe - Photos by Scott Ingalls Lawe - Photos by Scott Ingalls
The above are current photos of LAWE - Collin Stringer & John Baxter.  These guys are my brothers.  We grew up together and I love them both.
Chuck Coe, September 2006

Photos by Scott Ingalls taken 19 August 2006


If you have corrections, a neat photo or more information, please send it to:

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Last Update:  19 March 2013
Credits: Dan Dunbar, Scott Ingalls (Photos), Chuck Coe, Rick Sutter

Band # 1892