Anderson ~ Drums
Bray ~ Vocals
Bray ~ Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals
Hardy ~ Bass, Vocals
Thompson ~ Guitar, Vocals
Thompson (Garrison) ~ Vocals
This band Fantasea was the offshoot of Trixx somewhere around 1982, which I was in and finally replaced with Jeff and Lori Thompson. Then Trixx reformed as Fantasea, later to become Fantasy Force with Jeff and Lori Thompson. Ed Bray, the Trixx bass player, went on to form the Groceries, and later the Woodies which are still playing today.I formed the Automatics and continued on. Fantasea was a transition band for Dave and Cheryl Bray also. The Brays went on after around a year as Fantasea to form Wild Honey. Wild Honey was the hot ticket in Tacoma for around 4 or 5 years.
Now my old pal Dave gets his band mates and names mixed up after all these years, but I remember who replaced me. I think they have a picture of me in shock when I heard the gruesome news. Playing after all, will make you feel like a family. After all these years we still are close friends & play together once in a while. I have a pretty good memory for this period. Kind of funny since things were always a little foggy for one reason or another back then...
Carson Randolph, Pleasant Heads, June 2007
Some of the other Pacific Northwest music groups represented in members of this group include: Trixx, Tapestry, The Henchmen, Sleeping Village, The Tourists, and many other NW bands.